Sunday, September 27, 2009


Well, it finally happened - the moment that she has been waiting for....

Sorting the pieces with Space Ranger and Punkin.

Punkin doing all he can to get in the way, I mean, help. Off to bed with you, Mister.

Assembling and assembling and assembling and...
(you did see all of those pieces stacked against the wall and on the floor, right?)

Ooooooo! It is starting to look like one.

Ta dah! Well, almost a Ta dah! The box was missing a ladder piece so we could not completely assemble it. She was very sad about not sleeping in the top bunk but how would she get down in the middle of the night? Not very safe. She and Space Ranger went back to the store to get the piece but they didn't have any more in stock to give them. The service reps offered to send it to us when it was in stock again. Wasn't that nice of them?

TA DAH! Truly! Here it is all assembled and ready for sleep! We'll let you know how her night was sleeping in the "treehouse".

Now Sweetie will be all ready for our guests. No more mattresses or sleeping bags on the floor.

1 comment:

my3SmallBears said...

Awesome bunk bed!!! Sweetie's cousin is looking forward to sleeping in the bottom bunk sometime!

That looked like a lot of work to put together. Good on ya' Space Man Something like that. ;)